Saturday, February 9, 2013

Matlab code for Binomial array antenna

clear all;
close all hidden ;
f=input('please enter the operating frequency in Hz:\n->');
N=input('please enter the number of elements(N):\n->');
lambda=(3e8)/f%lambda=c/f% the value is in meters
d=input('please enter the distance d in meters between the elemnts:\n->');

Monday, January 28, 2013


Learn C easily and fast with these tutorials.

The following aspects have been covered in the tutorials.

  1. arrays in c
  2. c programming style
  3. introduction to HTML online
  4. let us c yashwant kanetkar
  5. pointers in c language
  6. pointers to functions
  7. queues
  8. stacks
  9. trees
  10. chap 7
  11. HTML Tutorial

The link that is given has all the downloads.

The password to all the files is impetus

BE Electronics and Telecommunication Syllabus

The following is the link to syllabus of the final year for Electronics and Telecommunication engineering in Pune University.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Zycus technical Paper

We had a zycus process in our college for the position of Spend Analyst.

Following were the rounds held:

  1. Aptitude
  2. Group Discussion
  3. Written Technical
  4. Face to face Technical
  5. Mini HR 
  6. HR with VP
Technical paper for electrical is given in the following link.